

  • Playtex Sport Fresh Balance: This is a great product that I've used for the gym. Very comfortable to workout in and it also provides great protection. I usually don't like tampons, but I would totally recommend this one!
  • Rimmel London Stay Matte Liquid Mousse Foundation: The mousse texture was a little different, not what I expected, but the coverage was very nice and natural. It also matched my skin very well, it's a nice foundation for when you're in a hurry or on the go.
  • NYC New York Color Expert Last Lipstick: The color of this was fantastic, very vibrant, but it didn't have a lot of lasting power and left my lips rather dry even when I used it with a lip balm.
  • Red Rose Real Tea Premium Water Enhancers: This was very yummy, tasted exactly like tea. But I think personally I would prefer to just make tea instead of flavoring my water, it just seems more natural to me.
  • Pilot Acroball Pure White: I loved this pen. It has a very cute and vibrant design and it also writes really well. I'll definitely buy these next time!
  • Broadway Nails imPRESS Manicures: I didn't like these, I felt like a stick on manicure is more relevant with tweens. The design was nice but I couldn't help but feel like a little girl while wearing these. They also fell off rather quickly.
All products courtesy of Influenster! Thank you I had a lot of fun trying and reviewing these! 

Day 001 of 100 Happy Days


Hi everyone! Today I'm starting the 100 Happy Days challenge. I've been in a bit of a funk lately, as you can see from my lack of posts, so I think this is the perfect time for me to start this project. Not only does it combine my love of photography but it'll allow me to find the silver lining in each and every day.

You can also follow along with my project on Instagram.

Day 001.
Today was the warmest day we've had so far this year. The temperature hit a fantastic 66°! I drove home with the windows down and my jacket off, it was wonderful. So when I got home I decided to let the kitties enjoy the sunshine as well. We sat outside for a bit as they watched the birds and enjoyed the fresh air.

Happy Monday!

One of Those Days


Hi everyone! Today has been a rough one. Tobias kept us up most of the night and this morning I woke up with a pretty bad migraine. But since I had a quiz this morning I had no choice but to get out of bed and go to class. But the longer I sat there the worse my head ached and the fluorescent lights certainly weren't helping. I decided that there was no way I was going to be able to sit through my 4 hour break and then my 3 hour class so I came back home. I also hadn't eaten breakfast, which I'm sure wasn't helping the situation, but thankfully my dad was home. He cooked up scrambled eggs with bacon, homemade bread, and steaming hot berry tea. We ate breakfast together while he filled out his crossword puzzle and after I was finally able to nap for a short while which made all the difference. I'm going to try and take it easy for the rest of the day, even though I still have 101 things left to do. But for now I'm going to light my honeysuckle scented candle (which is my current favorite) and throw in another Harry Potter movie. So all in all it turned out not to be such a bad day.

Happy Tuesday!

Thursday Morning Girl Time


Hi everyone! Today I had a really great day with my forever best friend Isabella. We met in 5th grade and went to school together all the way up to 8th grade. We then both went to different high schools and eventually different colleges. BUT, this year I transferred to her school where we were lucky enough to enroll in a class together! It's been fun picking her up in the mornings, sitting next to each other in class just like in 8th grade, and going shopping in between our classes.

I picked her up this morning for our 8 o'clock psychology class and after we headed to Target, where you can find us 90% of the time we're together. We also made our way to a couple of different shops where we picked up craft supplies and fox socks (typical!). We stopped for chi lattes at Starbucks and had lunch at Panera where we sat for over an hour reminiscing on our grade school days. It was a really great conversation, it's always fun to remember the ridiculous things we used to do when we were 12 years old. Before we knew it we'd accidentally chatted right through the beginning of both our second classes. So we decided to keep the girl time going and so we stopped by a little nail shop for pink manis (which my nails were in desperate need of!). We might have to make this a weekly thing now because my hands were very happy afterwards.

Check out her blog here, she takes really great photos!

Happy Thursday!

Work, Work, Work


Hi everyone! Last week I found out that my clinic is looking to hire a new employee for the front desk. So I thought why not throw my name into the mix? Not that I'm qualified for the position yet, but since I'm already an employee I thought it couldn't hurt. So while we'll still be hiring someone to fill the position, my doctor and my manager decided that they'll start training me to help with the front desk! I'll start off by taking phone calls and making appointments. I'm really excited for this opportunity because the more skills I can pick up now the better it'll be for me later on. Plus I'll be able to take on a more active role and start interacting with the patients which I'm pretty excited for!

I have to say that I'm pretty proud of myself for taking initiative. There was a time where I would be too afraid to even consider putting myself out there and taking a chance.

Happy Tuesday!

Looking Ahead


Hi everyone! Today I planted flowers. They have these really great mini flower pots in Target and I couldn't resist bringing one home with me.

Things I'm looking forward to this upcoming week:
+ Picking up a new bouquet of flowers
Paper Diamond concert on Friday
+ Shopping trip to IKEA
+ Organizing my kitchen
+ Movie date + catching up with my best friend from my UIC days
+ DIYing wooden letters for our bedroom wall
+ Signing up for the gym with Marc
+ Shopping trip with Isabella
+ Hannibal season premiere

DIY Yarn Wreath


Hi everyone! I think I'm starting to go a little crazy with all this below 0° winter weather this year so lately I've been looking for ways to bring a little spring into my life. Last week I picked up a gorgeous bunch of daffodils and this week I've decided to finally put together this yarn wreath I've been planning on making for ages!

01. Yarn. 02. Glue gun. 03. Wreath form. 04. Accessories.
(I found all supplies at Michael's)

+ Glue the beginning of the yarn onto the back of your wreath form.
+ Wrap the yarn around the entire wreath. I actually had to cut it into smaller pieces and wrap them around individually because I'm a klutz and kept getting the big ball of yarn tangled. 
+ Once you cover the entire wreath glue the end of the yarn to the back.
+ Attach the accessories to the front of the wreath. You can tie them or glue them on using the glue gun. Stickers are also an easy option. I chose these daisies because they reminded me of spring and had a lovely minimalist look to them. 

The wreath is currently hanging on our apartment's front door. It's a nice welcome home every day after a long day away from the house.

Happy week!